SAS Bauconsult

We are consulting civil engineers with many years of construction experience:


Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Katja Silbe

Katja Silbe is Professor for Construction Management and Construction Methods at the University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen.

She is a publicly appointed and sworn expert by the Lahn-Dill Chamber of Industry and Commerce for construction pricing and accounting in building construction and civil engineering as well as for construction process disruptions.

She is also registered as a consulting engineer with the Chamber of Engineers of the State of Hesse and has more than 20 years of experience in the evaluation of supplements, terminations and disturbed construction processes.

Katja Silbe has published numerous papers in this field and is, among others, co-author of Nachträge beim Bauvertrag, VOB/B-Kommentar and co-editor of the BIM-Ratgeber für Bauunternehmer.


Sven Apel

Sven Apel is registered as a consulting engineer with the Chamber of Engineers of the State of Hesse.

He has many years of experience in the field of project management and the evaluation of supplements, costing, invoicing, work preparation and sequence control.


Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Sandra Sondermann

Sandra Sondermann is Professor for Construction Management and Construction Operations at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. 

She has more than 20 years of experience as a consulting engineer, including 10 years in the field of international projects, particularly in the offshore wind industry, and has many years of expert experience in the field of construction disruptions, supplements and terminations.

She is a publicly appointed and sworn expert for construction pricing and invoicing in structural and civil engineering by the Southern Upper Rhine Chamber of Industry and Commerce and is registered as a consulting engineer with the Baden-Württemberg and Hesse Chambers of Engineers.

Sandra Sondermann Sandra Sondermann has published numerous articles in this field and is co-author of the book Nachträge beim Bauvertrag.